Facebook Picture Size | What Size Is a Picture On Facebook? Facebook Dimensions | Complete Guide

Facebook Picture Size | What Size Is a Picture On Facebook? Facebook Dimensions | Complete Guide

Facebook Picture Size: Wondering about the right Facebook picture size, especially for your profile and cover photos, events, and stories? Your profile pic should be a max of 2048×2048 pixels. For cover photos, go with 820×312 pixels (or 640×360 on phones). Group covers should be 1640×856 pixels. Event headers? Aim for 1920×1080 pixels. Stories should…

Adding Whatsapp Button | How to Add WhatsApp Button in Facebook Posts? Complete Guide 2024

Adding Whatsapp Button | How to Add WhatsApp Button in Facebook Posts? Complete Guide 2024

Introduction Adding a WhatsApp button to your Facebook posts is a important way to connect with your online audience. A WhatsApp button lets you talk directly with your customers, which is important for your business communication plan. Many people use WhatsApp, which lets you chat in real-time, making it suitable for businesses and customers. Connecting the Whatsapp button to…

What is Meta Business Manager/Suit And How to Create it? Step By Step Guide

What is Meta Business Manager/Suit And How to Create it? Step By Step Guide

Introduction: If you are using Facebook for your business, Meta Business Manager is like your central command. It keeps everything safe and organized, whether you are doing it all by yourself or working with a team. What is a Meta Business Manager/Suit? Meta Business Suit is a free platform designed to help you efficiently organize…

How to Make a New Facebook Page? Update Classic Page | Complete Process For Mobile And Computer Devices.

How to Make a New Facebook Page? Update Classic Page | Complete Process For Mobile And Computer Devices.

Introduction In today’s online world, being on social media is like having your own stage! Make a new Facebook Page by applying simple steps. Making a new Facebook Page is a fantastic way to establish your online presence and connect with people who matter to you. Whether you are showcasing your talents, promoting your business,…